Butt workouts are where it’s at, and even a 5 minute butt workout is no exception. Having a strong butt is just as important as having a, it is essential for performance and function. And strong glute muscles will help you, lift heavier, and, too.
Finally, you’ll end the quick workout with a partial-isometric exercise. Holding the plié squat position extends the time your muscles are under tension. The longer you put those muscles under the tension, the more they are going to fire up and burn like crazy.
How To Do This Workout:
Goblet Squat
Dumbbell Deadlift
Side Lunge (switch sides after 30 seconds)
Single-Leg Glute Bridge (switch sides after 30 seconds)
Plié Squat Pulse With One Foot Raised (switch sides after 30 seconds)
Equipment Needed: One set of medium- to heavy-resistance dumbbells.
Goblet Squat:
How long: 1 minute
How to:
Hold the weight at your chest in both hands and stand with your feet hip-width to shoulder-width apart.
Stand tall and engage your core.
Drop your butt back and down and keep your chest up.
Sit back onto your heels without shifting weight forward onto the balls of your feet.
Drive through your heels to come back up to standing.
Squeeze glutes at the top.
Continue for 1 minute.
Dumbbell Deadlift:
How long: 1 minute
How to:
Stand tall with your feet about hip-width apart.
Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your body with palms facing your thighs.
Keep a slight bend in the knees and push your hips back to lower weights down the front of your legs.
Keep the weights close to your shins as they lower.
Then slowly reverse the movement to stand.
Continue for 1 minute.
Side Lunge:
How long: 1 minute, switch sides after 30 seconds
How to:
Stand with your feet together.
Take a big step out to the right with your right foot and bend your right knee, pushing your hips back to lower into a side lunge.
Be sure to keep your left leg straight.
Push through right foot to return to standing.
Continue for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Related article:
Single-Leg Glute Bridge:
How long: 1 minute, switch sides after 30 seconds
How to:
Start on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Lift your left leg straight up and raise hips up.
Keep your leg lifted and lower your hips back down.
Continue for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Plié Squat Pulse With One Foot Raised:
How long: 1 minute, switch sides after 30 seconds
How to:
Start standing in a wide squat.
Keep your toes slightly turned out, too.
Bend your knees into a slight squat and lift your left heel so you’re on your toes.
Keep your right foot flat on the ground.
Lower your butt a few inches toward the ground while keeping your chest up and spine straight.
Continue pulsing up and down.
Pulse for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
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