Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Boxer’s Partner Workout

Duke it out with a friend for this shadowbox and squat combo Piela created. He also mixes in strength moves to sculpt strong arms, abs and even legs.

Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365

3-minute warm-up:
30 sec jog in place
1 min jumping jacks
30 sec mountain climbers
1 min jump rope

Partner push-ups: Hold a high plank position facing your partner — you should be head-to-head. Each of you perform a push-up and when you reach the top of your plank, slap hands. (Alternate hand slaps after each push-up.) Do three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Partner sit-ups: Lie on your backs, facing toward each other with feet flat on the floor and toes touching. As you come up to perform a sit-up, slap hands. Do three sets of 15 to 20 reps.

Jab-cross and squat combo: One partner continuously performs jabs and crosses, with a pause between each combo. The other partner simultaneously squats down, so as to dodge the punches. Continue for two minutes, then switch.

Partner leg lifts: One partner stands with feet hip-width apart, while the other lays down on her back (legs out straight) and holds onto the other person’s ankles. The partner on the ground lifts her legs straight up in the air (avoid bending the knees), as the standing partner pushes the feet back down toward the ground. The partner on the ground should tuck the pelvis upward, pushing the lower back onto the mat. Perform three sets of 12 to 15 reps, alternating partner positions.

Glove-to-glove punches: Stand facing your partner. Keep your hands up at your face as each person performs jabs, crosses and hooks with the same hand, so they hit each other. (If you don’t have gloves, step farther apart to avoid contact.) Make sure to turn shoulders and hips with each punch and to engage the abs the entire time. Repeat for one minute. Up the challenge by using hand weights (sans gloves).


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